Voyager Coffee

Voyager coffee, based on the edge of Dartmoor national park in Devon, pride themselves in sourcing and roasting the best coffees - only serving ones which exceed 80 on the SCA (Specialty Coffee Association) protocol.

Master roaster Rachel roasts each sample to the Voyager profile which highlights the potential and characteristics a coffee has and then cups and scores each coffee before adding it to the offer list. She uses Genio roasters with a precision control system for ultimate control over gas pressure, air flow pressure and drum speed.

Each coffee has its own personal profile that is developed through tasting and to bring out the best possible flavour from the coffee. The profile incorporates Voyager's drop in temperatures, control adjustments, bean and exhaust temperatures, rates of temperature rise, the all-important first crack and development times. By following this each time, every roast can be consistent.

Voyager coffees are incredibly high quality and taste amazing, so we're very excited to feature Voyager coffee roasters in the Secret Caffeine Club.

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